At Eastern New Mexico Medical Group, we're ready to meet your healthcare needs. We offer convenient appointment times, online scheduling and telehealth visits from the comfort of your home throughout Roswell & Dexter, NM.

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Telehealth In-Person
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Samuel Itie, CNP

Family Medicine

712 W. Hobbs Street

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 22 @ 8:00 AM
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Megan Brandt, NP

Family Medicine

300 W. Country Club Road, Suite 230

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 22 @ 8:00 AM
Click below to see full schedule:

Jonathan Wolkwitz, PA

Family Medicine

116 E. Second Street

Dexter, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 22 @ 8:00 AM
Click below to see full schedule:

Virgle Herrin, MD

Family Medicine

300 W. Country Club Ste 210

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 22 @ 2:00 PM
Click below to see full schedule:

Darla Melton, NP

Family Medicine

300 W. Country Club Road, Suite 230

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 23 @ 9:30 AM
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Rebel Reavis, NP

Family Medicine

601 W. Country Club

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 25 @ 8:00 AM
Click below to see full schedule:

Ann Matakas, NP

Family Medicine

601 W. Country Club

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Oct. 30 @ 7:45 AM
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Erica Guerrero, NP

Family Medicine

300 W. Country Club Road, Suite 230

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Nov. 04 @ 3:00 PM
Click below to see full schedule:

Kim Hestand, NP

Family Medicine

300 W. Country Club Road, Suite 230

Roswell, NM

Next New Patient Appointment:
Nov. 05 @ 2:00 PM
Click below to see full schedule:

Telehealth Information

What is telehealth?

Telehealth simply means a doctor visit on the phone or via video using a smartphone or computer. You will be able to talk with your provider from the comfort of your home or other locations just as you would in the doctor's office.

How does it work?

Many different platforms enable physicians and patients to connect in a telehealth visit. Some work through a simple app download and registration. Others require no downloads and visits begin by clicking a link sent by email from the practice. The practice will provide instructions about your telehealth visit when you schedule the appointment.

How do I make a telehealth appointment?

Find a provider from the list above, and ask if your appointment can be done by phone or video. Some appointments require a physical examination in order for the doctor to meet the standard of care and make fully informed decisions. But many appointments can be managed well through virtual interaction. These may include certain visits for:

  • Minor illnesses such as colds and allergies
  • Minor injuries such as sprains
  • Follow-up care
  • Medication management
  • Chronic disease management
  • Back pain
  • Other specialty care
  • Fever/Respiratory symptoms such as Flu, COVID-19
Are telehealth visits covered by insurance?

Many insurance plans cover telehealth visits. Video visits are typically required, although some payers will cover visits by phone only. Check your plan coverage or ask when you make an appointment.

Can I have a telehealth visit with a doctor I've never seen before?

Telehealth visits through our medical group are for new and existing patients.

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